Saturday, January 13, 2018

2018-01-13 Extreme Pint Fest

Soooooo...after the complete shambles that was the 1st Annual Small State Great Beer festival in Hartford and swearing off beer festivals in general, Chuck D. from Lawson's Finest Liquids reached out and invited us to Extreme Pint Fest.  We've known Chuck for some time now and his energy and crazy antics never disappoint.  He's also an extremely nice guy and fun to be around.  He urged us to get our tickets early as space was limited.

It was awesome!  There were only around 200 people sampling beers from around 20 different breweries with a kick ass band and food from the Polish National Home.  Many of the breweries were local (5 Churches, BackEast, Stony Creek, Black Hog, Counter Weight, Relic, etc.) with a few out-of-staters represented by Lawson's Finest Liquids, Allagash and others.
Average wait for a pour was less than 5 minutes and the beer ambassadors took a lot of time to discuss their beers (and other's beers).  It was a really enjoyable night and we'll definitely do it again if it happens. 

I highly recommend going if it happens again and definitely advise attendees to Uber or Lyft...'cause you shouldn't be drivin' after all those high-octane beers!
